Areas of Practice

Our Firm provides specialized law services in one or more of the areas cited hereinafter, covering both national and European Union law. When cases of international nature arise, we cooperate with law Firms abroad for the better handling of cases.


Constitutional Law

The multilateral activity of the state demands very often specialized knowledge of public law, which has been rapidly evolved in the last decades in Greece. Our Firm provides both consultation and judicial support in public law issues, before either national courts or the Court and the General Court of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, thus representing either individuals, legal entities, or public bodies, organizations of local government and other public entities. Members of our Firm have held public offices and have represented our country in international fora.


Competition Law – State Aid
Energy Law & Law of Telecommunications

In the area of Competition law (National and Community), we provide complete legal services both in terms of consultation as well as of representation before national authorities, the European Commission, or national and community courts. Members of our Firm have been legal specialists of European Commission in the area of Competition law or have pleaded before the Court and the General Court of the European Communities. We have extensive writing experience in this field. We have produced legal opinions and affidavits for foreign administrative authorities, organizations and companies and have participated in commissions for the reform of the Greek legislation in the field. Furthermore, we have supported the National Competition Authority before the national courts, for a long time, until mid-2019. Our office has high levels of know-how in the pursuit of civil claims for damages arising out of anti-competitive practices (Directive 2014/104 / EU), both at level of judicial support and at level of consultation.

The area of energy is of great legal interest nowadays because of the gradual deregulation of energy market and the wide implementation of alternative energy resources following EU instructions. Our Firm closely follows the development of the relevant statutory framework, as proved by the participation of our members in commissions for the reform of Greek legislation on natural gas market. Our knowledge on energy issues and our experience in the implementation of antitrust law usually raised in areas of former state monopolies, allow us to provide specialized services to companies, authorities and organizations.

The most typical area of implementation of the antitrust legislation is that of telecommunications as early as the ‘90s in Europe and 2000 in Greece. Our Firm, enjoying great experience both from the point of view of case handling as well as of the telecommunications market conditions through the active participation of our members in the management of telecommunication actors, offers full support in relevant matters.


Maritime Law
Transportation Law

Because of our long academic and law practicing engagement with maritime law and transport law in general, we are able to provide highly specialized services in this area. We have provided consulting services to the European Union in Union maritime law issues and deregulation of domestic transports. Furthermore, members of our Firm have taken part in the drafting commission of the first directive for the deregulation of port authorities and have been consultants of foreign governments for the harmonisation of their maritime legislation with the EU acquis and they participate to legislative commissions for the reform of corresponding legislation. Moreover, they participate in the ILO Committee of Experts on Compliance with the International Maritime Labor Convention (MLC). We also have extensive experience as arbitrators in institutional arbitrations for maritime disputes (e.g. in matters of limitation of liability, enforcement, chartering, transportation contracts).


Commercial Law
Company Law

Commercial law often interacts with Consumer Protection law in the sense that the companies’ function usually results in various and complex issues amounting to unfair competition and alleged violations of Consumer Protection law. Our Firm deals with cases of such nature, adopting the most convenient legal grounds for our client’s support; our experience in the field stems from the fact that many members of our Firm have on occasions participated in commissions for the reform of Greek legislation related to trademarks and Consumer Protection law.

Our Firm provides complete legal consultation to companies either on a permanent or on an ad hoc basis. We have undertaken the establishment and continuous legal support of listed or unlisted SA’s (national or subsidiaries of multinational companies), as well as companies of limited liability and private limited companies. Our legal services meet the need of investors to have a full legal back-up during the investment implementation and the establishment of legal entities in our country.

In this area, we apply the principle of preventive legal support, by providing legal services regarding the function of company bodies (as legal counsellors), corporate governance principles, organization of shareholding relations and the resolution of the problems arising therefrom (e.g. shareholders’ agreements). We provide full legal back-up in order for statutes of Sociétés Anonymes to comply with the new L. 4548/2018. We also, resolve the interpretative issues arising therefrom and we provide our legal services for the application of L. 4601/2017 on corporate transformations.


Administrative Law
Public Procurement Law

Public contracts law, at a national and community – substantive and procedural law – level, is an area in which our Firm highly specializes. Members of our Firm represent individuals, companies, public entities and local government authorities before administrative and civil courts, while they also assume responsibility for drafting calls for tenders and contracts in Greek or other languages.


European Union Law

The deep knowledge of European Union law is a necessary instrument for every legal activity, to the extent that this area has penetrated in the domestic legal order and has acquired a really significant position in the hierarchy of law sources. Our Firm emphasizes on the added value that community law attributes to any judicial or extrajudicial activity and, of course, to the judicial organs of European Union, before which we represent our clients (including European Commission).


Insolvency Law
Intellectual Property Law

Insolvency proceedings have more often a foreign aspect due to the late transnationality of insolvency law and the gradual establishment of the principle of relative universality. The complexity of the relevant matters is compounded by the correlation with financing mechanisms and the management of insolvency phenomena within a group of companies. Our office provides legal support for the initiation, management, monitoring, recognition of cross-border insolvency proceedings, (under Regulation 848/2015 and UNCITRAL Standard Law – L. 2888/2010) and advisory and consultancy legal services. Under normal market conditions, business operation usually raises a variety of complicated trade-related issues, such as credit-related issues, the protection of distinguishing marks, unfair competition practices and their application of consumer protection law. Our office handles cases of such nature, choosing the most appropriate legal basis for our client. From time to time, we have also been actively involved in drafting legislative initiatives regarding the reform of the Law on Trade Marks, of the Law on Consumer Protection and in presenting Greek institutions in English in order to facilitate investors.


International Trading Law
International Protection of Human Rights, Private International Law

Contemporary transactions are characterized by the intrusion of many elements of foreign law, referring both to the essential contractual parts (i.e. subject and place) and to the contracting parties. Due to the international character of disputes, several matters of applicable law occur before the selection of the appropriate rules of substantive law. Our Firm enjoys deep doctrinal background and experience in the resolution of private international law issues, torts, family or commercial law.



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Our Firm guarantees full-scale consulting and litigation services in a wide range of legal issues, including commercial, public and European law.

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