Terms of use

This site is provided by Athanassiou – Gerapetritis (suspended – Minister for Cabinet) & Associates Law Firm (hereinafter, AG Law Firm). AG Law Firm is a partnership of attorneys regulated by Presidential Decree 81/2005 and Law 4194/2013, as currently in force, with registered seat at 35, Omirou Street, GR 10672, Athens, Greece. This website provides general information about AG Law Firm. The provision of legal services by our firm is governed by applicable Greek legislation. By using this website, you are accepting these Terms of Use as may be amended from time to time without prior notice. The access to this site is at your own risk and you are responsible for complying with all domestic laws and regulations. Nothing in this website is to be considered as solicitation or constitution of an attorney-client relationship between the reader and AG Law Firm or as rendering of legal advice for any specific matter.

Our site and its contents are provided for general information purposes mainly for clients, potential clients and individuals considering possible employment with our firm.

Neither this website, nor any of its contents is intended to contain, constitute or substitute legal advice or to serve as an advertisement of the services we offer or solicitation of clients. All publications and briefings are current at the date of writing and their contents may become out of date. This website may include information on, or references to, recent developments of the legislation and case-law in Greece or the European Union. Any such information is intended for information guidance purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice.

AG Law Firm accepts no responsibility or liability for any action or inaction resulting from, or any loss or damage incurred through, your use of, or reliance on any of the information on this website. If you would like to find out more about any of the information published on this website, please contact a member of AG Law Firm.

While we have made every effort to ensure that the information in this website is up to date, we make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, comprehensiveness, timeliness or relevance of the content of this website. We reserve the right to change the contents of this site without prior notice.

This website and all of its contents and materials are the property of AG Law Firm and are protected under Greek Copyright Act (Law 2121/1993) and international copyright conventions. You may download, print or make copies of the pages, content, publications and materials on this website for your own personal use, as long as each copy made is complete and acknowledges AG Law Firm as its source. This permission does not extend to any third party material on this website. Nothing in the publications of this website shall be construed as legal advice. Professional advice should therefore be sought before any action is undertaken based on these publications. Any other use of this website or its contents is prohibited without the prior written consent of AG Law Firm.

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Governing Law
The Terms of Use of this website and any dispute arising from or relating to the Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Greek law and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdictions of the Greek Courts.


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