Who we are?

Welcome to Athanassiou-Gerapetritis and Partners Law Firm website. Our Law Firm provides tailor-made legal services adapted to the needs of each and every client. Our philosophy is based on direct communication, high efficiency, loyalty to our clientele and strict adherence to professional ethics.

What we do?

Our Firm provides specialized law services in one or more of the areas cited hereinafter, covering both national and European Union law. When cases of international nature arise, we cooperate with law Firms abroad for the better handling of cases.

  • Constitutional Law – Administrative Law – European Union Law
  • Competition Law – State Aid
  • Maritime Law – Transport Law
  • Commercial Law – Company Law
  • Energy Law & Law of Telecommunications
  • Insolvency Law – Intellectual Property Law
  • International Trading Law – International Protection of Human Rights – Private International Law

Why choose us?

Three reasons justify the assignment of your legal affairs to our office:

First, professionalism while dealing with your legal case. We offer direct and constant information on each and every case we are handling, so that you can feel secure that you will not lose your rights and claims. Our ethics code guarantees loyalty and confidentiality, without running the risk of conflicting interests, insufficient legal support or wrongful presentation of your legal situation in order to achieve unjustified economic benefits and to perpetuate litigation or dispute. Our solid purpose is the quest for the best choice in terms of cost, time, reputation, consequences and legal solutions which are offered after thorough research and comparison of all the alternatives. Therefore, we place emphasis on the substance of the case and not on its facade and on the artificial arising of legal disputes.

Second, multi-level legal support. Our firm, albeit enjoying high profile and specialization, is one of the very few legal service providers with deep knowledge of multiple legal fields, including public, business, international and european law, both on the level of litigation as well as of consulting. This know-how is maintained and enriched with continuous research activity (writing monographs and studies in Greek, English, French, on a wide range of topics, participating in law-making committees, lecturing and organizing conferences, further education abroad, subscription to legal databases). The investment in a constantly updated library of 4,500 volumes is indicative of our know-how.

Third, international character of legal services. The familiarity of our partners and associates with foreign legal systems due to their studies and employment abroad and our fluency in cooperating with legal firms abroad, highlight the additional value of our work within a professional environment where legal issues hardly ever appear merely a national dimension.

  • Professionalism while dealing with your legal case
  • Multi-level legal support and specialization
  • International character of legal services



Founder & Partner

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Founder & Partner

(suspended –
Minister for Cabinet)

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Our Firm guarantees full-scale consulting and litigation services in a wide range of legal issues, including commercial, public and European law.

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Το γραφείο μας παρέχει εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες σε υποθέσεις που εμπίπτουν σε έναν ή περισσότερους από τους τομείς…

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Χρειάζεστε περισσότερες πληροφορίες; Συμπληρώστε την παρακάτω φόρμα. και θα επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας το συντομότερο.

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