Publication of the monograph “Principles connecting legal relations in European Private International Law”
The monograph of AG-Law Associate and Assistant Professor in the Law School of Democritus University of Thrace, Mr. Dimitris Stamatiadis, entitled “Principles connecting legal relations in European Private International Law – From the theory of Savigny to the implementation of European Union policies” has just been released by Nomiki Bibliothiki S.A.. It is of great interest, both on a theoretical and practical level, for the following reasons:
The classical private international law of continental European countries was built on the doctrinal foundation of multilateralism and neutrality of the conflict rule in order to find the appropriate applicable law on the basis of the criterion of proximity of the legal relationship to a certain legal order. In the evolution of the European Union, the role of private international law extends to its essential contribution to the achievement of the economic and political objectives of European integration. The values that serve this idea and the policies that express it, as reflected in primary Union law, constitute the teleological background for the formulation of European conflict rules and highlight a new aspect of European private international law at the level of principles and connections.
This development prompts a rethinking of the principles of European conflict rules in relation to the archetype of Savigny’s theory, which is the subject of the above monograph.